Seasonal Patterns: Colorado Monthly Wind Electric Energy 2001-2018

Fall, Winter and Spring are best.

Colorado monthly wind-powered electric energy. Linecurrents graph from U.S. EIA data. (Tap/click to enlarge)

Cool and cold seasons months produce the best winds for wind-powered electric energy generation on the plains of eastern Colorado.  Linecurrents queried the U.S. Energy Information Administration's (EIA) online energy history database for calendar years 2001 through 2018 to create this chart.  EIA is a service of the United States Department of Energy.

Monthly totals increased from early years to later years as construction projects added more utility-scale wind-turbine generators (WTGs) to the Colorado fleet.

The chart combines monthly WTG energy output from independent power producers (IPPs) and electric utilities. IPPs own and operate most Colorado WTGs, and sell electric energy to utilities, which blend wind-energy with other generating sources to delivery a continuous supply to millions of customers.

Wind-powered electric energy is considered “variable” and “intermittent.”

More Colorado wind energy info:
Colorado Electric Wind-Powered Energy 2018